Monday, March 24, 2014

A Great Daddy

One thing is for sure - my kiddos have a very special Daddy. I knew it even before marrying him, and I see it more and more every day. He works 40+ hours a week (usually a lot more than that), and then comes home and does so much around the house for us. He has been giving LA a bath nightly for the past several months since I am not as bendy as I used to be, and is so good about helping with dinner, picking up, cleaning, running to the grocery store (sometimes multiple times an evening because his wife is crazy), etc. These are just a few of the many things that he does that we appreciate so very much.
Anyway, I had been craving PF Changs for awhile now, and we finally decided to make the trip to Omaha to fulfill that craving before Babe arrives. So we left around 3 on Saturday afternoon and he took me to get a pop for the way (all the way across town out of our way, because he knows how to make a wife happy), stopped at Cabela's, and then he took LA to PF Changs to put our name on the wait list and told me to run to Pottery Barn Kids to get a few things that I was wanting to get for the littles.
While I was gone I had received a text picture of Daddy's glass of beer and Peanut's sippy cup side by side with the caption "Best drinking buddy a guy could ask for :)" Melted my heart.
When I got there they had just gotten a table. We were getting ready to order and a lady walked up to the table and looked at me and said "I just have to tell you what a great Daddy your little girl has. I saw those 2 sitting at the bar and had been watching him reading and playing with her, and it was just the sweetest thing. I just wanted to tell you that. She is a really lucky little girl." We had been joking about what people thought of him having a beer with a baby on his lap, and guessing that people were probably judging the situation and his parenting.
She was having an absolutely ball with her Daddy, and I think he enjoyed it too. She did such a good job during dinner, despite being up past her bedtime.
As we were finishing eating, Dan looked at me and told me to take a good look around. I looked at him and wondered where he was going with it, and he reminded me that it was probably the last time we were going to get to be in a nice restaurant surrounded by so many people for a long time and that we had better enjoy it. He is so right. And enjoy it we did. A great Saturday in the books as a family of 3.
Couldn't be more proud to call that man my Husband and Daddy to my kids. What a great guy... so very thankful for him!

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