Monday, January 13, 2014

Baby #2: 3 Hour OGTT

On January 13, 2014 I had the 3 hour OGTT. Got to drink the fruit punch flavored drink, and got it down better and faster then I thought I would. I was feeling shaky and was starving on my way to the appointment, so I was nervous how it was going to go down.  I would be ok if I never had to do that again. I was nervous about failing this test because I have had several episodes where it felt like my sugars had plummeted and was shaky and ready to pass out...always when I needed to eat.

Here are the results of my test:

Fasting: 79  (had to be <95 to take test)

-- 1 hour: 167 (passed it - had to be less than 180)
-- 2 hour: 155 (UGG - cutoff was 155, so technically it was a fail and got to proceed with the next hour just to be sure it didn't spike)
-- 3 hour: 109 (passed it - had to be less than 140)

So RELIEVED that I passed, and that it is over.

While I was in with the nurse, I had mentioned that I had had pretty severe contractions during the middle of the night for the past few nights and considering that with my little weight gain I was wondering if Dr. Martin would be concerned. She mentioned it to him and he ended up coming in to see me. He recommended that we do a fetal fibronectin test which if positive would mean there was a 50/50 chance I would go into labor in the next 2 weeks. I told him that if he wasn't concerned about it all then I wasn't either, and I wasn't pushing anything but just wanted him to know. He said that he would sleep better tonight knowing what that test showed and definitely recommended it, so that's what we did. If it was negative then he would be less worried about all the contractions that I have been having. If positive, we would likely do a couple rounds of steroid injections to speed up baby's development.

Update: Fetal fibronectin came back negative, which is a huge relief. So no more worries about preterm labor, at least in the very near future.

Thankfully my cervix was closed so that was reassuring. Even though my belly was measuring at 27.5 weeks, he also recommended that we do an ultrasound in the next week or two to check things also. Needless to say, it was a difficult morning when coupled with the OGTT that I was already stressed about.

Babe's heart rate was 140...always nice to hear that.

After I got done with the 3 hour test, I went and met Dan and Landry in the lab for some labwork that Landry needed to have done. I have been dreading it for a month now and today was the day. She tolerated it like a champ; it was definitely harder on me than it was on her. I am also very, very thankful for her Daddy. I had played over every possible scenario in my head, and finally decided after much deliberation that I was not going to be able to go back with her to have it done. I've always done well with shots and everything and am not normally a 'hyper' mom, but this was too much. Daddy never thought twice about going back with her. All he said was that it wasn't going to be fun, but he was taking her. I was so thankful for that. I needed him to say that. After it was over, he brought her out and she cried for just a minute after seeing me and then was quickly back to her happy, smiling self. I cannot imagine not having him to do this parenting thing with. He is my rock more than I know, and I couldn't be more thankful. I also couldn't be more proud of my daughter, the champ. Such a sweet, sweet girl.

It has been a long day, and I will definitely be glad when it is over.

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