Monday, January 13, 2014

Another Crazy Dream?

On the Eve of the official 27th week mark, I woke up and told Daddy that I had a dream that really shook me up...literally, because it felt so real. I just briefly told him how I had had a dream that there was an earthquake and it felt so real. It was just one of those dreams that was so vivid and I couldn't stop thinking about it the rest of the day. (Just like my Tiger Woods dream from last pregnancy).
The next day, I got a text from Grandpa Deaver that said "Did you feel the earthquake?" I immediately got chills and called him back because I seriously thought he was teasing me or something. That or it was some strange coincidence. He said that he wasn't joking with me and that he heard on the radio that there was an earthquake near Wymore that people in Lincoln actually felt too. After a little research, he was definitely right and it measured 2.9 on the Richter scale. Crazy!
Several days later, I am still creeped out about it, because I really believe that I honestly did feel the earthquake, but just wrote it off in my sleep as a dream. Although I am pretty sure that my mind must have amplified it a little bit because I swear I did feel our house shake pretty good.
Daddy has been teasing me about it nonstop. Apparently there was a touchdown at a football game this past week that actually registered on the Richter scale so he was making fun of me, asking if I felt that one too. Funny. :) I also dish it back and tell him that it really is true, that he CAN sleep through an earthquake.

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