Sunday, December 8, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

For Thanksgiving, we left Wednesday afternoon and headed back to Cambridge for a long weekend. Aunt Kilah rode back with us, and we were thankful to have someone along to help entertain you. You slept 2 of the 3 hours and the last hour we all sang to you to get you through. We enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner at our house this year, and snapped a few Christmas photos that day too.

Little miss piggy ate, and she ate, and she ate. You were still
eating long after everyone else was done. I swear you gained
at least a couple pounds over the weekend!!

Love this face!


Great Grandma just loves you
to death. She wants to get her
hands on you every chance she gets!

Grandpa's Standing Boot Camp.

You were loving Travis that night...he was throwing the entire deck of
cards on you and you were CRACKING up. Hilarious!

And then a picture before the annual coon hunt. Second year
in a row they have had to find me oversize coveralls. Next
year there will not be a baby sharing space :)

Another reason you maybe gained 2 pounds, Grandpa and Grandma
fed you pancakes every morning when you woke up. And you
LOVED every bite of it!

Grandpa wanted to see if you would
fit in the doll highchair, and sure enough
you did!

Helping Kilah and Roo put up Grandma's
Christmas tree.

The aunts busy making your tutus for your upcoming
birthday party.

Just love this picture of you.

....And this one. One of my favorites of all time.
Trying on your tutu the aunts made you, and the scarf
that Kilah made you over the weekend. Pretty cute! :)

And you LOVED bathtime in Grandpa and Grandpa's huge tub.

Getting ready to go to church. Not impressed.

Quick photo for Grandma's Christmas cards before we left to come home.

Melts my heart. So very special, he is.
On Friday, Mommy ended up getting to help Grandpa with a C-section (another story for another time, but discovered that assisting my dad was indeed on my bucket list), and then we all went to McCook for the annual ornament shopping with Grandma Deaver. We went to the Copper Mill for happy hour and dinner, and then came home to a fun night of Boggle. What a great trip.

Thanksgiving is by far my favorite holiday and we had such a great weekend being back for an extended amount of time. I look forward to that weekend all year. Thankful to have such a great, relaxing holiday with family. And already looking forward to next year!

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