Thursday, August 2, 2012

20 Weeks - Half Way There!!

20 weeks and half way there!!

How far along? 20 weeks - Cannot believe we are half way to meeting Baby Matthes already, yet it feels like it is.going.SO.slow!
Total weight gain: 5 pounds
Baby is the size of a: Small cantaloupe
Maternity clothes? Still just a few maternity tank tops.
Stretch marks? Unfortunately I might have a few starting on my hips...that really burns when I say that
Sleep: Struggling with continuously waking up on my back and feeling guilty for doing it, otherwise not too bad
Best moment this week: Feeling babe move
Miss anything? Still Diet Pepsi
Movement: I still try to talk myself out of thinking that I'm really feeling baby...but I'm sure that I'm just in denial
Food cravings: Ice water, Chicken fried steak. And when I decide that I'm hungry, I go from content to needing food in t-minus 2 seconds and then what Daddy calls the "Hungry Monster" comes out...he's on to something :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing!
Gender: I'm ready to post anytime, but Daddy still has a few more people he wants to tell first!
Baby Name: Talked about this a little this week, pretty sure we have this one decided!
Labor Signs: None
Symptoms: This week it is has been indigestion. I finally gave in after it happening on and off for weeks now and called my doc to see what he would like me to take for I started taking Zantac which has really helped. Have also had what I think has to be Braxton Hicks contractions every now and then...a full bladder seems to be the cause. Also starting to feel like a real whale this week...always feel full and even somewhat uncomfortable at times. This makes me nervous with just over 4 months to go!
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Only moody when I need to feed :)
Looking forward to: Our next ultrasound next Friday....absolutely cannot wait to see Babe again! Also looking forward to fall and everything that brings with it...cooler weather, jeans and sweaters, fall decorations, football, tailgating, pumpkin pie, and
hopefully a slower-pace. The business that July has been is starting to wear me out.

Started trying to get Daddy thinking about the nursery and the purchases we need to make and things we need to find. He flipped when I showed him the price of some of the gliders that I was considering, and he wasn't a fan of the crib that I wanted (we are going as cheap as possible for a crib but I had my mind set on one cheap one and he would rather a different we are going to get the one he likes). We are off to a great start...this is why we need to start these processes early, because after that we didn't make much progress.

Baby Matthes - In just over 4 short months we will be meeting you, and I cannot wait. I think about you so much and love to picture how much richer you are going to make our lives. I'm so looking forward to having my winter baby to snuggle by candlelight on snowy days, and hopefully having you here by Christmas. What an amazing gift you are going to be. Until then, keep cozy, and know that I am praying for you and that Mommy loves you very, very much!