Saturday, December 7, 2013

Baby #2: 20 Weeks.

How far along? 20 weeks. HALF WAY?!
Total weight gain: According to our scale, about 1.5 pounds.
Maternity clothes? Regular clothes are still all fitting and pants are all closing still, but did get out the tote for a pair of jeans and a couple sweaters. No point in delaying maximal comfort!
Stretch marks? Nope!
Sleep: Cannot complain here. Haven't had to get up to go to the bathroom in awhile actually. Just some paresthesias in my feet at night, but no restless leg or anything.
Best moment this week: This past week was a rough one in this household. LA had the stomach flu for almost a week. Started having diarrhea and one episode of vomiting on Friday, then stayed home from daycare all week and finally went back on Thursday. She was finally back to herself on Day 7. And to make it all better, Daddy was gone for a lot of it. :( On a better note, we did get the Christmas decorations up!

Miss anything? Lung capacity.
Baby is the size of a: Banana

Movement: Almost positive I have been feeling babe since about 13 weeks. At about week 18 I finally started feeling more unmistakable deliberate kicks and not just random light flutters. SO fun. Last weekend while LA was sleeping I definitely enjoyed laying in bed feeling all those little kicks. Taking in every.single.minute of it.
Food cravings: Wisconsin cheese soup, monkey bread (pretty sure I've made at least 5 batches of it in the last few weeks), and most definitely ice water. I don't usually have too many specific cravings, but if given a choice between foods I will definitely have a preference. That is new to me, usually I just don't care.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really!
Gender: Still absolutely LOVE not knowing. It is fun to hear everyone's guesses.
Name: Girl is a go, boy is undecided. At least Daddy is adamant that we are not going to be those parents who won't know when we go to the hospital...he says we are going to figure it out much before then. Thank goodness...that makes me crazy.
Labor Signs: N/A
Symptoms: Worsening paresthesias in my feet (especially at night) that are becoming somewhat bothersome, heartburn on some but not all days, and have found myself gasping for air already at work. I feel like I am as big now as I was at 38 weeks last time. I don't really remember being thaaat uncomfortable last time, and I am already with this one.
Things People Say: There is apparently no question that there is a baby cooking in there. The majority of people have guessed girl, but there have been some boy guesses too. So fun!

Belly Button in or out? Flat. It is thinking about popping out any day now.
Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Just busy, and content.
Looking forward to: Cannot wait for this upcoming week. My absolute favorite week and holiday of the year. Two short and one long day of work, hair appointment, then leaving to head west for a long weekend back home for Thanksgiving. I told Daddy I haven't looked forward to anything so much in awhile it seems like.

Just a side note...Grandpa called me today and after asking what I was doing, he said "in approximately 120 hours I will be holding my Grandbaby." And when I asked if there was anything he needed us to bring back with us when we come, he said "Just my baby girl." Melts my heart. I think he might be excited for this weekend, too!

Love and Prayers in Week 21, Little One!

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