Saturday, June 29, 2013

Mother's Day: A Letter to My Girl

To the one who made me a Mama,

Thank you for being you. You have brought more joy to the last five months than I could have ever imagined, and I am starting to forget what life was even like without you. It hasn't always been easy, but I wouldn't have it any other way. You (and Daddy) have shown me what it is like to love someone so much it hurts. You give me a purpose in life that is more meaningful than I ever knew was possible. I knew from the very first time that I looked into your eyes when you were laid on my chest that you were going to be my greatest accomplishment in life, and you have continued to remind me of that every single day. Because of you, I have deepened friendships with not only special friends but also my family. I have felt a love so deep by friends and family simply loving on my girl. You have brought so much pride to my life and joy to my heart. Sweet girl, I am proud to be your Mama.

Seeing your very first smile melted my heart in ways that I didn't know were possible....and then there was your first laugh. My heart was going to explode. Doing life with you gets better and better every day, and watching you learn new things and begin to explore the world around you is exciting for both of us. I absolutely love that you are such a smiley, happy baby who is every bit as social as your Daddy. Your little personality lights up the room. We don't go anywhere without getting compliments on how beautiful you are, especially those adorable little lashes.

I once heard a quote that said "A baby fills a void in your heart that you never knew was missing." How true that is. Your Daddy and I had so much fun together before you were born, but adding you to our little family has just made things so much richer. I cannot wait to do life with you, and to teach you the ways of this world. To show you that you are cherished, prayed for, and loved with every ounce of my being.

                                 Love always Sweet Girl,



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