Saturday, February 15, 2014

Baby #2: 31 Weeks

~ 31 Week Baby Bump ~
How far along? 31 weeks - How is it that we have 9 weeks or less already?!?!
Total weight gain: 14 pounds
Maternity clothes? I've started wearing scrubs to work more, but am doing a combo of pre-pregnancy and maternity jeans these days. Maternity tops mostly just for comfort although I am wearing several regular ones that I can squeeze into without stretching out.
Stretch marks? I believe there are some starting on my sides.
Sleep: Started to finally have to get up to go to the bathroom the last couple weeks again. Sleep isn't great as it is just hard to move much, but really won't complain yet.
Best moment this week: Daddy played in a fat penny tournament this weekend so we went shopping with Roo and Kilah. Also got a peek of Baby #2 which is always fun.
Miss anything? Still wine. Did have a small glass this week when some girls went to the Venue after work on Friday and savored every bit of it.
Baby is the size of a: Pineapple
Movement: Lots, constantly. This baby moves 100 times more than Big sister did!
Food cravings: Nothing in particular, maybe sweets like always?
Anything making you queasy or sick: Mexican food sounds horrible.
Gender: Overall thinking girl, but lately people have been guessing boy more which always gets my head spinning. So now I'm more confused :)
Name: Girl is for sure, boy is still not. Daddy is the limiting factor here.
Labor Signs: N/A
Symptoms: Heartburn daily, but nothing as bad as I remember it being with LA. I do take a Zantac at night maybe a couple times a week and usually get by with a Tums or two daily. Lots and lots of Braxton-Hicks still, but no severe contractions in past few weeks. Also starting to have really swollen hands every morning, and just a little in my legs. Seemed like I had it mostly in my legs last time. Just becoming more uncomfortable overall and energy is hard to come by. I don't feel exhausted yet, just really lazy.
Things People Say: Comments about how I'm growing by the day. Majority vote girl, however there have been quite a few lately that have said boy for the first time.

Belly Button in or out? I'm not so sure anymore. Still flat.
Wedding rings on or off? On, but my hands have been swelling in the mornings lately so it is only a matter of time.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy. Soaking up every minute.
Looking forward to: Going to the Justin Timberlake concert tonight!! Ascha and I got Daddy and Kurt tickets for Father's Day last year so we are excited for a double date!

Also looking forward to crossing off more things on my pre-baby to-do list. In these past couple weeks I picked up bedding for both cribs and curtains for their room, ordered a new (bigger) diaper bag that will suit 2 babies, purchased some baby boy pajamas on super clearance (will return or gift if babe is a girl), and am really excited to have found the exact "Big Sister" shirt for LA that I had been looking for. Ordered it right away :) We still would like to get the house kid proofed and need to get things washed up and ready in the next few weeks. I wish I could say that nesting has kicked in, but that would be lying. I really don't see that setting in anytime soon either.

Love and Prayers in Week 32, Baby Matthes!! Cannot wait to meet you!!

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