Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Baby #2: The Story of You!

After a couple weeks of craving nothing but Chinese and searching for every Chinese restaurant in Lincoln for lunch and being completely ravenous all day long, I took a test knowing it just had to be positive on or around August 3rd or 4th. When the results popped up, I took it out to the living room to show Daddy because I was pretty sure it was negative. He looked at it and agreed. But just like last time, the more I looked at it I thought there was a very faint second line. He said he saw what I was seeing, but thought it was just "where the line was supposed to be." So I threw it away and didn't think anymore about it. I waited a couple days and took another test because I just wasn't convinced yet. Just had a feeling. So on August 7th I took another, and the test almost instantly showed those 2 pink lines that I was expecting! Just as soon as it was positive Daddy was on his way to golf league. If I have ever seen someone so ecstatic so fast, it was your Daddy (and me too!). I will always be curious how well he played that night...haha. I have to admit at first I was in panic thinking about how much our world was going to be rocked again even though it was what we had wanted the whole time, and Daddy did not have one ounce of anything but sheer excitement. He was absolutely thrilled. He reassured me that things really were going to be ok, and another one would just fit right in. My panic was fleeting and a few minutes later I was back on cloud nine. I think that reaction really is only normal. For the mom, our world changes in a matter of 3 minutes from the time you pee on the stick until it turns positive. He has 9 months to get ready for another big change. :)

As soon as the test was positive, I started seeing the correlation between my cravings and actually being pregnant again. Pretty sure the day after conception was when my cravings started, for: Mongolian beef Chinese, French toast, sweet corn on the cob, and ice cream sundae cones. I could not get enough of any of them! I knew something was different right away, because I usually do not crave things like that.

Right about the time that the test was positive, the extreme fatigue and nausea set in. Much, much different than last time. I was absolutely convinced it was twins. I was so anxious to have either my blood drawn to check HCG levels or have an ultrasound to see. Even Daddy was a little worried about it, too (and by worried I mean that 3 children 16 months apart might be the end of my our sanity).

Our first OB visit was on September 5th and turned out to be pretty uneventful. Didn't get to hear a heartbeat or have an ultrasound, and just mainly went through family and previous pregnancy histories. I was pretty real confirmation of a pregnancy (as if constant nausea and fatigue isn't enough).

And for the record, you were 100% planned to be 16 months behind your big sister. That's what we have always wanted. I couldn't be more grateful that God saved us from the months and months of struggles and waiting that plague so many couples while trying to conceive a child.

Baby #2 - We are absolutely thrilled about having another little one in our family! Landry and I have been praying for you every night before bed since she was born, that God would give her a healthy baby brother or sister and that you would grow up big and healthy in Mommy's tummy. Just like your sister, you have been planned on, talked about and prayed for for years. I already cannot wait to meet you. Love and prayers, sweet baby. And welcome to our family!

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