Thursday, August 23, 2012

Nursery Progress

So I am a little late posting this, but about 2 weeks ago Daddy put the crib together for me. He was a good sport with all of the pictures I was taking. I reminded him that this was a monumental occasion, of course.

And this is where he and I are much different - he reads the instructions, and I do not. Which also explains why things always go so much smoother for him.

Snapped this picture, and he looked up at me and said,
"Am I going to make the blog?"
Not sure what he meant by that, but yes honey, you made the blog :)
It turned out pretty cute! Can't wait to get the bedding made and see how it all comes together. We went to put the dresser together a week ago and took the first piece out of the box, which was the top piece, and it had a crack in three different directions on that one piece alone. So needless to say, we packaged it back up and shipped it back for a refund. This was one of our longer discussions prior to purchasing nursery furniture, because I approached the dresser as something that would be her's until she graduated and would probably have quite a bit of wear and tear from being in a kid's therefore it should probably be more durable to begin with. Daddy insisted we spend as little money as possible on a dresser just like we are doing with the crib and glider, and I gave in because he is always right about those things (it's all about picking your battles, right?). After seeing the cracks in the dresser that we got, he didn't waste too much time telling me that I was it looks like we are going to be going to look at furniture stores another time for a dresser that will at least hold up well enough to make it to our house.

He also put together a bookshelf that we got a great deal on a couple nights later. I cannot wait to fill that thing up with books for all those special nights before bedtime!


There have really only been three things in my life that I absolutely could not wait for: getting engaged, my wedding day, and having a baby. The first two were absolutely perfect and God continues to bless me everyday with the man that I married. They were everything I ever dreamed of. More perfect, actually. I am so trying to take this all in as my third dream becomes reality here in less than 4 months. I don't want to take a single moment for granted.

I love your Daddy so much it hurts, and I already love you, Baby Girl, that much and I have yet to meet you. I cannot fathom the depth of love that I will have for you, having half of the same of everything that I chose and love so much in your Daddy -- his patience, his continuous acceptance and forgiveness of others, his gentleness towards others, his positive outlook on life, his love and regard for his family and friends, his contagious laugh, his sincere smile, and his ability to give a sincere hug at just the right time. You are going to be an amazing little girl.

Great-Grandma bought you your very first diapers and baby lotion, and boy was it wierd to think that in less than 4 months we will be wrapping you up in those tiny little diapers and lathering your skin with that smell that I love so very much. I just can't wait to meet you...this miracle that has been growing inside of me, kicking my belly and bringing smiles to my face, and the little girl who has consumed my thoughts all day long...that little girl that I love so dearly.  

Love and Prayers in Week 24, Sweetie!

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